Wednesday 31 December 2008

Finding a Focus

I was in the studio for the latter part of November making small artworks to go up in the boxes. It also gave me the space to think about what I should do for the final work as the Residency was fast drawing to a close. I decided to concentate on a figure from the archive and perhaps try to raise further funds to extend the my time at the hospital and allow greater engagement with the staff, patients and other users of UHL. Once they were made I then had the job of finding all the boxes and placing the work inside.

Winter Preparations

As I traveled around the hospital used one the the maps kindly provided by Jeff Galvan so I could retrace my steps and also note down what happened where. I even came across one an empty ward which was being prepared for opening over the winter months.

Catching Up

It feels like a long time since I have posted on the site which could be a sign of racing around trying to get everything done. I will give a quick summary here on what is the last day of 2008

For much of November following the meet the artist event I concerned myself with getting around the hospital with the Booklets as a way of introducing myself to as many people as possible. I am still astounded by the size of the hospital and the amount of time it has taken to get around everywhere.